Its back. So is this blog. And Robinson has named his squad, 5 changes to the side that met England in the World Cup, thanks to a few injuries and the fact that Chris Patterson has finally retired. Come on Scotland!!
Team as follows;
Scotland team:
15-Rory Lamont, 14-Lee Jones, 13-Nick De Luca, 12-Sean Lamont, 11-Max Evans, 10-Dan Parks, 9-Chris Cusiter; 8-David Denton, 7-Ross Rennie, 6-Alasdair Strokosch, 5-Jim Hamilton, 4-Richie Gray, 3-Euan Murray, 2-Ross Ford (captain) 1-Allan Jacobsen.
Replacements: 16-Scott Lawson, 17-Geoff Cross, 18-Alastair Kellock, 19-John Barclay, 20-Mike Blair, 21-Greig Laidlaw, 22-Graeme Morrison.