How d’you fancy £25 for watching this weekends Rugby?

Its been a while since I’ve had a nice little accumulator like this one come up and since no doubt you will all have spent a fortune on bunting etc for Friday’s nonsense so could do with the extra money. I’ve had a look at the weekends European and Super 15 rugby fixtures and chosen the following:

Gwent Dragons v Cardiff Blues

Stade Francais v Clermont

Hurricanes v Reds

Munster v Harlequins

Leinster v Toulouse

Northampton v Perpignan

Granted no great surprises. Mostly gone for the home sides and as you’ll see below I’m not putting my house on it! Its probably also worth mentioning that I’ve gone for the Dragons on a +5 handicap, though I really don’t think they’ll need it. If you follow these tips it’ll get you around 12.5/1  here . Don’t agree? Love to hear from any tipsters you fancy a challenge.

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